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KOBAYASHI Shinji, 2009/01/09 18:51
h1. openEHRのご紹介
Introducing openEHR
この文書は"Introducing openEHR": の翻訳です。翻訳の正確性については保証しませんので適宜原文を参照してください。
© 2003-2007 openEHR 財団
創設者会長 David Ingram, ロンドン大学医療情報学教授, CHIME.
創設メンバー P Schloeffel 博士, S Heard 博士, D Kalra 博士, D Lloyd 氏, T Beale 氏
email: web:
© 2003-2007 The openEHR Foundation
The openEHR Foundation is an independent, non-profit community, facilitating the sharing of
health records by consumers and clinicians via open-source, standards-based implementations.
Founding Chairman David Ingram, Professor of Health Informatics, CHIME, University College London
Founding Members Dr P Schloeffel, Dr S Heard, Dr D Kalra, D Lloyd, T Beale
email: web:
h2. openEHRの概要
Overview of openEHR
h3. 財団について
openEHR財団は、認可された有限責任非営利法人です。設立時の出資者は、イギリスのロンドン大学と、オーストラリアのオーシャン・インフォマティクス株式会社です。本財団は、イギリス1985年及び1989年会社法に基づいています。その目的と経営は、openEHR ウェブサイトで説明されており、理事会によって運営されています。理事会は、戦略方針、財務運営、法的規制、知的財産(IP)管理を含む、財団運営全般の責任を負っています。理事会は、本財団の役割、組織体制、運営手順を決め、正しく機能するよう保障します。openEHR製品開発の、技術的及び医学的な管理・監督業務の大部分は、アーキテクチャ審査委員会(ARB)及び医療審査委員会(CRB)に委任されています。
The Foundation
The openEHR Foundation is a not-for-profit company, limited by guarantee. Its founding shareholders are University College London, UK and Ocean Informatics Pty Ltd, Australia. It is regulated under the UK Companies Acts 1985 and 1989. The aims and management of the Foundation, exercised through its Board of Directors, are described on the openEHR website. The Board is responsible for the governance of the Foundation, including strategic direction, financial management, legal regulation, and intellectual property (IP) management. The Board determines the roles, structures, and procedures of the Foundation and ensures that these function correctly. The major work of technical and clinical oversight and supervision of openEHR product developments is delegated to the Architectural Review Board (ARB) and Clinical Review Board (CRB).
h3. 目的
The openEHR Foundation is dedicated to the development of an open, interoperable health computing platform, of which a major component is clinically effective and interoperable electronic health care records (EHRs). It does this by researching clinical requirements, and creating specifications and implementations. The specifications take the form of modular information models, service models and clinical information models. The platform supports the following requirements:
- 経時記録に基づく複雑な実験結果、画像診断、診察、治療計画、評価、患者教育用教材、経過を考慮したワークフローに基づく指示、診療行為に関する情報を含む、あらゆる医療情報を記録する能力。
- あらゆる医療システム上で、記述内容、セマンティクス、ユーザーインターフェースを、システムのソフトウェアから独立して定義することを可能にする力を医療関係者に与える、アーキタイプとテンプレート。
- 以下を含む用語体系との適切な統合化:HERデータに基づいた、信頼性できる推論及び意思決定支援のためのSNOMED-CT I;トレーサビリティと研究データの共有が可能になるLOINC ;確実な医療費償還、経営、公的保健研究を可能にするICDx 及びICOC 。
- openEHRとメッセージング・システム、特にHL7 version 2 及びEDIFACTとを、”レガシー・アーキタイプ”と体系的なマッピング定義の使用により統合する能力。
- 既存の病院情報システムとその他のデータベースを、レガシー・アーキタイプを使用して統合する能力。
- 発行済みのAPIを用いたアプリケーションの統合化。
- 既に配布済みのEHR、人口統計、その他情報の、バージョン管理及び合併。
ability to record any clinical information, including complex time-based lab results, imaging, diagnoses, care plans, evaluations, patient education material, and stateful, workflowbased instructions and intervention information; • archetype- and template-enabling of all clinical systems, empowering clinical professionals to define the content, semantics and user interfaces of systems independently from the software;
proper integration with terminology systems, incuding with: SNOMED-CT so that reliable inferencing and decision support based on EHR data will be possible; LOINC, so that traceability and sharing of laboratory data is possible; and ICDx and ICPC classifications, enabling reliable reimbursement, management, and public health studies;
ability to integrate openEHR with messaging systems, particularly HL7 version 2 and EDIFACT, via the use of “legacy archetypes” and systematic mapping definitions;
ability to integrate with existing hospital information systems and other databases, also via the use of legacy archetypes;
integration with applications via a published API;
distributed versioning and merging of EHR, demographic and other information;
to make the architecture componentised, adaptive and future-proof, so that it may be a reliable basis for managing 100 year+ health records.
The Foundation publishes the specifications for the architecture openly. It also publishes “implementation technology specification” expressions, such as XML and database schemas corresponding to the models. From these artifacts it creates open source implementations which are validated in clinical environments, used for further research, and ultimately deployed in actual clinical environments.
もう一つのopenEHR 財団の主要な活動は、アーキタイプとして知られる、エビデンス・ベースの臨床情報及び業務手順モデルの開発です。これらは、各分野の専門家達と共同で開発され、オンライン知的資産収蔵庫によりオープンに発行され、openEHRアーキタイプ原則に基づくシステムで、そのまま使用することができます。
The other major activity of the openEHR Foundation is the development of evidence-based clinical information and workflow models, known as archetypes. These are developed collaboratively by domain experts, and published openly in an online, intelligent repository, and are directly consumable by systems based on the openEHR archetype principle.
h3. 運用法
openEHR 財団は、各分野の専門家と利用者、ISO, CEN, HL7を含む国家及び国際標準団体、ソフトウェア及びシステムの開発者、教育機関及び研究者、の活発な交流関係に基づき、オープンなやり方で活動しています。技術的作業は、科学的なフレームワーク、つまり、仮説を検証し洗練させる実験的方法論により、行われます。実行に際しては、工学的方法論、つまり、専任のチームが、要件把握、設計、実装、試験といった相互作用的プロセスの責任を持ちます。発行される成果物の全ては、バージョンで管理され、規則に則り変更が管理されます。
Modus Operandi
The openEHR Foundation works in an open manner, based on active relationships with domain experts and users, with national and international standards bodies, including ISO, CEN, and HL7, with software and system developers, and with educational institutions and researchers. The technical work is carried out within a scientific framework i.e. the use of an experimental methodology to validate and refine hypotheses. It is performed in an engineering mode, i.e. with a dedicated team undertaking an iterative process of requirements capture, design, implementation and testing. All of its deliverables are version-controlled and formally change-managed.
Unlike closed commercial developments, openEHR conducts its development in the open, with direct community involvement in specification, software implementation and evaluation, so that users can see and trust the foundations and structures of the software they are using.
h3. メンバーシップ
Membership of openEHR implies a commitment towards realizing the vision of high quality, interoperable EHRs, and a willingness to share ideas and experience. Membership is free, and is available simply by registration on the website.
h3. openEHRの活動
openEHR Activities
The openEHR Foundation works in two broad activity areas: the “technical” and the “clinical”. The technical area is where engineering work is done, including specifications, implementations, testing and conformance. The clinical area is where healthcare domain professionals and organizations engage with openEHR, including on the development and deployment of ontologies, archetypes, templates, guidelines, and clinical education and training. These two areas of activity in openEHR are visible in the “two-level modelling” approach of openEHR, through which a rigorous yet flexible development framework enables reliable sharing of clinical meaning in addition to guaranteed data interoperability.
h3. マネジメント
二つのopenEHR活動領域のそれぞれで、各プロジェクトで行う作業に責任を負う開発者チーム1個から成る複数のプロジェクト・グループ(PG)が、仕事を進めます。これらプロジェクトの中で発生する変更のマネジメントを、審査委員会が監督します。技術領域では、アーキテクチャ審査委員会(ARB)がその役目を果たします。委員会は、財団理事会が任命する約8名のopenEHRのメンバーで構成され、全員、医療情報の領域で長年の経験を有しています。現在のARBメンバーはopenEHRウェブサイトのARB pageに掲載されています。ARBの役割は、参考プロジェクト(定義は後述)向けの変更要求(CR)を審査し、決定を下すことです。表決は単純多数決で行われます。
Within each of the two openEHR activity areas, work is performed by project groups (PGs) each comprising a team of developers responsible for the work done on a project. Change management on some of these projects is overseen by a review board. In the technical area, the Architectural Review Board (ARB) performs this function. Its membership comprises some eight members of openEHR, appointed by the Foundation Board, all with long-term experience in an area of health informatics. The current membership of the ARB is posted on the openEHR website ARB page. The role of the ARB is to review and make decisions on change requests (CRs) for reference projects (defined below). It operates using simple majority voting.
In the clinical area, the Clinical Review Board (CRB) performs a corresponding change management function. The CRB, likewise, comprises an international group of experienced clinical professional members of openEHR. Issues affecting both areas are managed through consultation between the board.
The management structure of openEHR is illustrated in FIGURE 1. Projects whose change is managed by the ARB or CRB are shown joined to the relevant board of review; others are not..
技術的活動 医療的活動
図1 openEHRのマネジメント構造
“openEHR プロジェクト”とは何か?
What is an “openEHR Project”?
An openEHR project is defined as any project that:
• is based on openEHR in one of the following ways:
- contributes to openEHR specifications or
- aims to build something that satisfies openEHR conformance criteria of nominated openEHR specifications; • agrees to use the relevant Technical or Clinical Change Management plan (CM Plan) and; • agrees to the IP framework defined by openEHR for its products and services; • is registered as an openEHR project with the openEHR Foundation.
Common aspects of openEHR change management in both activity areas include:
• the use of version and change management toolset/environment;
• the use of Problem Reports (PR) and Change Requests (CR), and the lifecycle and process for handling them;
• the use of defined operating procedures including for the distribution and publication of artefacts (also described in the CM plans).
Similarly, openEHR projects agree to respect the following intellectual property rights.
• All project documents must use the openEHR public licence (document form).
• Project source code must use the openEHR open source licence.
• The project must respect and preserve the structure of the org.openehr namespace, which is managed by the ARB.
• Irrevocability: organisations contributing to projects cannot retrospectively revoke the right of the of the openEHR Foundation and community to continue to use software or other artifacts which they have developed within the openEHR environment (since this would contravene the terms of the license). They may of course use any such developed works as a basis for other developments. This condition ensures that neither the community (which may have come to rely on a component) nor the original developing organisation (which may have spent significant time and money on the development) lose access to the work; if the interests cease to coincide, the development is simply “forked”, and only one line remains within the openEHR framework.
Copyright of donated IP may optionally be transferred to the openEHR Foundation, converted to joint copyright with the openEHR Foundation, or may remain with the originating organisation or author.
Projects agreeing to this framework can take advantage of the facilities provided by the openEHR Foundation, including version management, build servers and a distribution server. It particularly enables smaller projects to proceed where otherwise they might not have sufficient material resources.
This approach to development is offered as a collaboration environment by openEHR, and is not a
requirement of developing openEHR-compliant products. Development organisations are welcome to develop openEHR-based products in any way they see fit. It is expected that many projects will be executed by companies, universities and others, according to their own needs and priorities, including fully commercial and closed source projects.
開発がどんな手法で行われていようとも、財団が定義し認定した、一定のテスト事例やテスト・データ、その他の適切なテスト材料による試験手順を通じて、対応するopenEHR仕様に合致していることを証明したコンポーネント、実行ファイル、その他の(例えば、情報モデル・スキーマ)成果物のみが、”openEHRプロダクト”と称したり宣伝したりすることができ、そして”openEHR”、”openEHR準拠”、”openEHR 1.x 準拠”などの語句を含む表示を使用することができます。”openEHR”の名称は国際登録された登録商標であり、製品やサービスについて使用するには、openEHR財団の許可を必要とします。これによって実務上、openEHR認証済の(特に、医療情報管理向けの)最終製品のユーザーは、”openEHR準拠”という開発者の主張を信頼することが出来るようになります。その目的は、openEHRの旗印を掲げて規格外の(欠陥品の可能性がある)ソフトウェアやその他の製品が流布することの防止です。テスト用の事例と基準はコミュニティによって開発され、ARB乃至CRBによって審査されます。
What is an “openEHR Product”?
Regardless of the manner in which its development proceeds, a component, executable, or other artifact (such as a information model schema) can only be represented or promoted as an “openEHR
product”, and can only use service marks containing terms such as “openEHR”, “openEHR-compliant”, “openEHR 1.x compliant” and so on, if it has been shown to be conformant to the appropriate openEHR specification(s), through a testing procedure defined and certified by the Foundation, against a specified set of test cases, test data or other appropriate test material. The name “openEHR” is registered internationally as a trademark, and its use with respect to products and services requires permission of the openEHR Foundation. In practical terms this means that users of openEHR-certified end products (particularly those for clinical information management) can rely on claims by the developer to be “openEHR compliant”. It aims to prevent non-conformant (potentially faulty) software or other products being promoted under the banner of openEHR. The test cases and criteria are developed by the community and reviewed by the ARB and/or CRB.
The following figure illustrates the relationship among openEHR projects, products, and non-openEHR work.
図2 プロジェクトとプロダクトとの関係
Intellectual Property
The openEHR Foundation has created a framework to enable the openEHR community to build a
repository of intellectual property (IP), for common use. Since the IP includes specifications, software, knowledge bases (e.g. clinical vocabularies) and educational materials, which will find use in clinical and related environments, as well as use in research and education, some legal protection is also required. This is to ensure continuing quality and open access to the IP. The measures adopted by the openEHR Foundation are typical of those used by standards development organisations (due to the fact that openEHR publishes specification documents), and other open source development organisations: copyright, source code licensing, trade- and service-mark protection, and control of the openEHR namespace.
Copyright: Recognition of Authorship
openEHR copyright exists on four kinds of deliverables: documents, software source (including schemas, interfaces), executable software, and knowledge products, such as terminologies. Legally, copyright law guarantees that the original author of the original version of a given artefact is always recognised. However, it does not, on its own, offer much legal protection of such IP, due to the fact that such artefacts keep changing over time, unlike artistic works, which are generally published once only in their finished form (and for which copyright law was mainly developed). For this reason, the openEHR Foundation does not demand that the output of all openEHR projects be copyrighted to the Foundation - the copyright may be retained by the original developer, or a joint copyright may be adopted. However, all reference specifications, ITSs and reference implementation project deliverables must be solely or jointly copyrighted to the openEHR Foundation. Deliverables of non-reference implementation projects may retain the copyright of the original developing organization.
Source Licenses: Protection for Developers
Because specification documents, software and related artefacts are by their nature constantly changing, the conditions of use, copying, modification and sale are specified explicitly in licenses, rather than relying on potentially unreliable copyright law (which in any case varies across jurisdictions). Two types of license are used - one for documents, and one for software and related materials. The openEHR licenses are available from the Foundation website license page. These licenses are designed to guarantee fair, open and continued availability of all openEHR products to the openEHR community. They provide the main protection for developers of materials that their work will not be taken out of circulation, or otherwise appropriated by private individuals or bodies.
Trademark & Service-marks: Protection for Users
Controlled use of the “openEHR” trademark and related service-marks is the main protection for users of openEHR products, ensuring that, for any product claiming to be compliant, conformant or otherwise based on openEHR, this is in fact the case, and that the exact meaning of the claimed conformance/compliance can be investigated (e.g. by accessing and inspecting the relevant test cases or other materials from the openEHR website). The “openEHR” trademark and any related service-mark may only be used with permission of the openEHR Foundation.
エンドユーザー・ライセンスは、最終製品―ラインタイム環境に展開が可能な成果物―の使用条件で定められます。openEHR財団自体は、その参照実装成果に関する最小限のエンドユーザー・ライセンスのみを採用しており、そのライセンス条件は本質的に、重要な関係成果物はオリジナルとして提供された状態から、改変してはならないということです。これは単純に、発行済のコンポーネントはバイナリー・レベルで改変されておらず、原版であると偽っていないこと(或いは、少なくともそうした事態が生じている場合には、それが使用条件違反であること)を確証するものです。更に複雑なエンドユーザー・ライセンス(しばしば”EULAs”―end use license agreements―と呼ばれます)が、営利組織により、その製品の使用を管理するために使用されることがあります;そうしたライセンスについては、openEHR財団は関知しません。
End-use Licenses: Rights of Users
End-use licenses govern the conditions of use of end products - artefacts that can be deployed in a
runtime environment. The openEHR Foundation itself employs only a minimal end-use license for its reference implementations, which essentially says that the relevant artefact can not be modified while being presented as its original. This simply ensures that a published component is not altered at the binary level and passed off as the original (or at least that where this happens, it is clearly in violation of the conditions of use). More complex end use licenses (often called “EULAs” - end use license agreements) may be used by commercial organisations to control the use of their products; such licenses are not the business of the openEHR Foundation.
openEHR財団はopenEHR.orgインターネット・ドメインと、その全ての変種およびサブドメイン、そしてそれを拡張したorg.openehrネームスペースを所有しています。ネームスペースの集団(例えばJavaライブラリーとXMLスキーマ)は、財団を代表してopenEHR ARBが、コミュニティの利益のために運営しています。その根本的な狙いは、明確に定義されたネームスペースを確保することです。openEHR参照成果物のみが、org.openehrネームスペースで定義されることがあります。
The Domain and org.openehr Namespace
The openEHR Foundation owns the internet domain, all related variants and subdomains, and by extension, the org.openehr namespace. Population of the namespace (for example with Java libraries and XML-schemas) is managed on behalf of the Foundation by the openEHR ARB, for the benefit of the community. The principal aim is to ensure that the namespace is clearly defined. Only openEHR reference deliverables may be defined in the org.openehr namespace.
Technical Activities
FIGURE 3 illustrates the areas technical activity of openEHR, including specification and implementation projects, and delivery/deployment activities.
仕 様 アーキテクチャ ITSs
プロジェクト 要求事項
実 装 E H R 人口管理 アーキテクチャ
プロジェクト サーバー サーバー 解析プログラム ・・・
配 布 各 種 標準規格 適合性 教 育
活 動 ツール類 システム 業務提携 試 験 訓 練
図3 openEHR技術的活動
openEHRは、a) シームレスな情報共有と、医療活動の継続性を支援するため、および、b) EHRシステムが、医学的知識、ベストプラクティスのエビデンス、並びに安全で、情報が管理され、且つ効果的な保健医療サービスを提供するのに必要なその他各種システムと接続を可能にするために、相互運用性のあるEHRを設計、実装、展開するための要求事項の照合を実施しています。openEHRが開発した要求事項は、関連する重要な国際標準化推進運動に貢献しています。
Requirements Project
openEHR undertakes the collation of requirements for the design, implementation and deployment of interoperable EHRs a) to support the seamless sharing and continuity of health care and b) to enable EHR systems to interface with medical knowledge, evidence of best practice and other systems needed to deliver safe, secure and effective health services. Requirements developed by openEHR are contributed to relevant international standards initiatives.
openEHR財団は、次のものを含む幾つかの定型モデル仕様を発行しています:openEHR参照モデル(RM)、一群の基本的情報モデル(IMs)、アーキタイプ定義言語(ADL)とアーキタイプ・オブジェクト・モデルを含むアーキタイプ・モデル(AM)、そして保健医療情報環境での大手ソフトウェア・サービスへのインターフェイスを定義するopenEHRサービス・モデル(SM)です。これらの仕様は、明確な要求事項と先行するバージョンの実装および展開の結果に支えられているので、エビデンス・ベースの情報アーキテクチャを構成しているといえます。要求事項と同様に、openEHRアーキテクチャ仕様もまた、関連する重要な国際標準化推進運動に貢献しています。アブストラクト情報モデルは、OMG IDL、XML、プログラム言語、データベース・スキーマの様に、すぐに使用できる実装技術仕様(ITSs)として発行されています。
Architecture Project
The openEHR Foundation publishes a number of formal model specifications, including: the openEHR Reference Model (RM), consisting of the primary information models (IMs), the archetype model (AM) which includes the Archetype Definition Language (ADL) and Archetype Object Model (AOM), and the openEHR service model (SM), which defines interfaces to major software services in a health information environment. Because these specifications are underpinned by explicit requirements and by the results of implementation and deployent of previous versions and thus constitute an evidence-based information architecture. As with requirements, openEHR architectural specifications are also contributed to relevant international standards initiatives. Abstract information models are published as directly usable implementation technologies specifications (ITSs), such as OMG IDL, XML, programming languages, and database schemas.
Implementation Projects
The openEHR Foundation engages in the implementation of interoperable software components, including archetype and EHR tools and components, using rigorous design and development methodologies. These reference implementations enable the validation of the published specifications, ensuring they are not simply 'paper' exercises.
openEHR財団は、相互運用性のあるEHRの広汎な普及と本格的な採用を促す手段として、関連する政府系および産業界系の標準化団体の支援に取り組んでいます。openEHRのメンバーは、ISO TC215、CEN TC/251、HL7および国家標準諸団体と密接に活動しています。
Standards Activities
The openEHR Foundation is committed to supporting relevant government-sponsored and industrybased standards bodies as a means of encouraging the widespread and effective adoption of interoperable EHRs. Members of openEHR work closely with standadisation bodies, including ISO TC215, CEN TC/251, HL7 and national standards bodies.
Educational Activities
In order to promote and assist understanding and acceptance of openEHR methodology and models by a wide audience, the openEHR Foundation develops educational materials, runs workshops, and provides consultancy services internationally. It also develops materials suitable for use in clinical, healthcare, and health informatics courses.
Clinical Activities
Activities in the openEHR clinical activity area are illustrated in FIGURE 4.
プロジェクト 語 彙 用語体系 アーキタイプ テンプレート
配 布 臨床での 標準規格 臨床専門 医療的 教 育
活 動 実証試験 業務提携 知識基盤 実 践 訓 練
図4 openEHRの医療的活動
Vocabularies and Terminology
In the clinical activity area, openEHR is concerned with existing and emerging clinical ontologies and terminologies. It also develops specific openEHR terminologies of its own to facilitate the integration of software components and knowledge bases, through the use of archetypes and templates.
Archetypes and Templates
Archetypes are a key element of the openEHR methodology. They are reusable, structured models of clinical information concepts that appear in EHRs, such as 'test result' , 'physical examination' and 'medication order', and are expressed in terms of constraints on the reference model. All data in openEHR EHRs are instances of reference model entities, configured by archetypes. Archetypes also act as mediators between data and terminology. They are language- and terminology-neutral.
Templates are (usually) locally defined models of screen forms, and ring together a selection of archetypes, terminologies, language and other details relevant to the particular local use of archetypes. For example, concepts such as 'referral' and 'prescription' are modelled as templates, which in turn use archetypes for more fine-grained concepts.
Educational Activities
The openEHR Foundation develops methodologies and publishes methods and materials for the formulation and use of archetypes, templates, terminologies and clinical guidelines, including those developed by openEHR projects. In collaboration with academic colleagues, it also develops materials suitable for use in clinical, healthcare and post-graduate health informatics courses.
Standards Activities
The openEHR Foundation is working with national and international standards bodies and professional organisations to establish standards for the representation, capture and sharing of clinical knowledge for use in health information environments.
The openEHR Methodology
The openEHR development methodology, designed to formally integrate technical and clinical work in a coherent manner is summarised by FIGURE 5. In the technical environment, modellers and software developers create small, generic models and specifications which are then implemented within systems. They also build tools to support users performing modelling the healthcare domain – the building of archetypes above terminologies and ontologies. At runtime, systems are driven by the definitions created by domain experts using the tools. The information processing capabilities of such systems can evolve smoothly, based mainly on ongoing tool-enabled development work of clinical experts, rather than by continual software maintenance and redeployment.
The key benefits of this approach are:
• direct, flexible and sustainable involvement of domain experts and users;
• significant reductions available in costs of development and deployment of health information
systems, due to smaller, more stable software;
• the creation of a much more adaptable and durable health computing environment.
アーキタイプ ソフトウェア
保健医療 ユーザー 開発者
専門家 ツール
管理する システム 実装する 小型で
用語体系 安定した
オントロジー 実装する
医療的環境 技術的環境
図5 openEHR 開発方法論
Participating in openEHR
A useful starting point for prospective participants is the openEHR primer.
Membership is free, and obtained via the membership page.
The Foundation maintains various discussion lists:
• openehr-announce: one way list for major announcements;
• openehr-technical: dedicated to openEHR technical architecture, archetype language, service models and so on; recommended for all ICT professionals working with openEHR, and healthcare professionals interested in technical issues;
• openehr-clinical: dedicated to clinical modelling, archetype development, terminologies, clinical use and demonstration of openEHR; recommended for health professionals and ICT people interested in the clinical world;
• openehr-implementers: dedicated to implementation issues. Recommended for actual and
prospective implementers.
• Each implementation project generally has its own discussion list.
openEHRに支援を行う、または貢献することに興味がある組織・機関は、Dipak Kalra博士 または にご連絡下さい。
Developers are encouraged to visit the developer page. An equivalent starting point for health professionals is the clinicians’ page.
Organisations interested in supporting or contributing to openEHR should contact Dr Dipak Kalra at or or
修正版 詳細 担当者 完了日
リリース 1.0
1.1 目的と運用法に修正。 T Beale 2006/01/02
1.0 最終グループ・レビュー。 D Ingram,
D Kalra,
D Lloyd 2005/03/15
0.9.5 David Ingram による校訂。 D Ingram 2005/03/12
0.9.1 Dipak からの各種コメント。 D Kalra 2005/03/03
0.9 当初原稿。CM計画とopenEHR計画会議に基づくもの。 T Beale
S Heard
D Ingram
D Kalra
D Lloyd 2005/02/12
Amendment Record
Issue Details Who Completed
1.1 Changes to Aims and Modus Operandi. T Beale 02 Jan 2006
1.0 Final group review. D Ingram,
D Kalra,
D Lloyd 15 Mar 2005
0.9.5 David Ingram review. D Ingram 12 Mar 2005
0.9.1 Various comments from Dipak. D Kalra 03 Mar 2005
0.9 Initial writing. Based on CM Plan and openEHR planning meetings. T Beale
S Heard
D Ingram
D Kalra
D Lloyd 12 Feb 2005
和訳:岸田伸幸 Nobuyuki Kishida (2008/12/28-2009/01/07 )
KOBAYASHI Shinji さんが約16年前に更新 · 2件の履歴