



Technical documentation

  • Editors: {T Beale, S Heard}
  • Keywords: EHR, health records, archetypes, principles
  • 翻訳: 小林慎治

この文書は"openEHR specification 1.0.2 Archetype Definition and Principles": の日本語訳です。翻訳の正確さは一切保証しないので適宜原文を参照すること。

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h2. 1 はじめに
1 Introduction

h3. 1.1 目的
1.1 Purpose


This document describes the design principles of archetypes and templates. It is recommended that
the openEHR ADL document [4] be read in conjunction with this document, since it contains a
detailed explanation of the semantics of archetypes.

h3. 1.2 関連文書
1.2 Related Documents


  • openEHRアーキテクチャ概要 関連する文書は以下のものである
  • The openEHRアーキタイプ定義言語(ADL)
  • openEHRアーキタイプオブジェクトモデル(AOM)

Prerequisite documents for reading this document include:

  • The openEHR Architecture Overview Related documents include:
  • The openEHR Archetype Definition Language (ADL)
  • The openEHR Archetype Object Model (AOM)

h3. 1.3 状態
1.3 Status


This document is under development, and is published as a proposal for input to standards processes
and implementation works.
This document is available at
The latest version of this document can be found at

h2. 2 定義
2 Definitions


アーキタイプ : ドメインコンセプトモデルの参照(情報)モデルに基づいた制約命令文により構造化された形式で計算可能な表現としたものである。openEHRのアーキタイプはopenEHRの参照モデル(reference model)を木曽としている。アーキタイプについては、同じ形式言語でそのすべてを表現することができる。一般的には、広く再利用するために定義されるが、しかし、ローカルでの特殊性に合わせて特化することもできる。任意の数の自然言語やターミノロジーを提供することができる。

The definitions of the terms "archetype", "template" and variants as used in this paper are as follows:
archetype: a computable expression of a domain content model in the form of structured
constraint statements, based on a reference (information) model. openEHR archetypes are
based on the openEHR reference model. Archetypes are all expressed in the same
formalism. In general, they are defined for wide re-use, however, they can be specialized to
include local particularities. They can accommodate any number of natural languages and

テンプレート : ローカルで直接利用される定義であり、画面上のフォームや文書、レポート、メッセージに対応してアーキタイプにより比較的大きな構造として構成される。テンプレートはローカルでの制約をそれが含まれるアーキタイプに追加することができる。制約にはオプションを外したり、項目を必須にしたりデフォルト値を設定することも含まれる。

template: a directly locally usable definition which composes archetypes into a larger structures
often corresponding to a screen form, document, report or message. A templates may add
further local constraints on the archetypes it mentions, including removing or mandating
optional sections, and may define default values.

h2. アーキタイプとテンプレートの目的
3 Purpose of Archetypes and Templates

h3. アーキタイプの目的
3.1 Purpose of Archetypes


Archetypes are created for a number of purposes (described in detail in [1] and [3]), summarised here:
Human Communication: to enable domain concepts to be modelled in a formal way by domain
Specialised Searching: also to compare data to specialised archetypes, or "predicates".
Archetypes can be used directly for the computational purposes described below, but are normally
encapsulated by templates for this purpose. The key benefits of archetypes include:
Knowledge-enabled systems: the separation of information and knowledge concerns in software
systems, allowing cheap, future-proof software to be built;
Knowledge-level interoperability: the ability of systems to reliably communicate with each
other at the level of knowledge concepts;
Domain empowerment: the empowerment of domain specialists to define the informational
concepts they work with, and have direct control over their information systems.
Intelligent Querying: to be used at runtime to enable the efficient querying of data based on the
structure of archetypes from which the data was created.
3.2 Purpose of Templates
Templates constitute a form of constraint statement model, which is directly usable for:
Data Construction: to be used at runtime to constrain the creation of data in local contexts to
conform to data capture requirements;
Data Validation: to be used at runtime to validate data from other sources.
While archetypes are generally broad models, and have very open compositional possibilities, templates
are used to narrow the choices of archetypes for local or specific purposes. They can be used to
control the following things:
