


YADL » 履歴 » リビジョン 2

リビジョン 1 (KOBAYASHI Shinji, 2011/04/11 13:07) → リビジョン 2/3 (KOBAYASHI Shinji, 2011/04/11 13:21)

h1. YADL 

 h2. Background 

 ADL is one of the openEHR official formalism to express archetype, defined as "ADL 1.4"http://www.openehr.org/svn/specification/TRUNK/publishing/architecture/am/adl1.4.pdf 
 Many archetypes are registered on "Clinical Knowledge Manager":http://www.openehr.org/knowledge/ Sample archetype is shown such as bellow: in ADL document. 
 archetype (adl_version=1.4) 

     [at0000] 	 -- Body temperature guitar 
     original_language = <[ISO_639-1::en]> 
	 translations = < 
		 ["ru"] = < 
			 language = <[ISO_639-1::ru]> 
			 author = < 
				 ["name"] = <"Igor Lizunov"> 
				 ["email"] = <"i.lizunov@infinnity.ru"> 
		 ["de"] = < 
			 language = <[ISO_639-1::de]> 
			 author = < 
				 ["organisation"] = <"Ocean Informatics"> 
				 ["name"] = <"Sebastian Garde"> 
		 ["pt-br"] = < 
			 language = <[ISO_639-1::pt-br]> 
			 author = < 
				 ["organisation"] = <"P2D"> 
				 ["name"] = <"Marco Borges"> 
				 ["email"] = <"marco.borges@p2d.com.br"> 
			 accreditation = <"P2D Health Advisor Council"> 
	 > <[iso_639-1::EN]> 
	 original_author = < 
		 ["name"] = <"Sam Heard"> 
		 ["organisation"] = <"Ocean Informatics"> 
		 ["email"] = <"sam.heard@oceaninformatics.com"> 
		 ["date"] = <"18/05/2004"> 
	 details = < 
		 ["en"] = < 
			 language = <[ISO_639-1::en]> 
			 purpose = <"To record the measured temperature of a person - as a surrogate for the temperature of the whole body."> 
			 use = <"Used for recording the whole body temperature of a person or body. 
 Additional clusters can be included to provide additional state data - including environmental conditions, menstrual cycle details and exertion details, where appropriate. 
 Please Note: The site and method of recording may need to be displayed to the end user to facilitate accurate interpretation of the temperature recorded."> 
			 keywords = <"temperature", "body", "core", "fever", "hypothermia", "hyperthermia"> 
			 misuse = <"This archetype is not to be used to record the temperature of any other object. 
 This archetype is not to be used to record the temperature of a part of the body in isolation e.g. temperature of the sole of the foot as a part of chronic diabetes management."> 
			 copyright = <"copyright (c) 2010 openEHR Foundation"> 
		 ["de"] = < 
			 language = <[ISO_639-1::de]> 
			 purpose = <"Zur Messung der Temperatur einer Person - als Surrogat for die Temperatur des gesamten Körpers."> 
			 use = <"Benutzt zur Aufzeichnung der gesamten Körpertemperatur einer Person oder eines Körpers. 

 Wenn benötigt, können zusätzliche Cluster Archetypen eingefügt werden, um zusätzliche Statusdaten bereitzustellen - darunter Details zu Umgebungsbedingungen, Menstruationszyklus und Betätigung. 
     INSTRUMENT[at0000] matches { 
         size matches {|60..120|} 


 Otherwise, ADL is not so common formalism such as XML or OWL. 
 XML serialisation is considered more popular alternative to express archetype. 
 XML form of archetype is shown bellow 
 <?xml version="1.0"?> 
 <archetype xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns="http://schemas.openehr.org/v1"> 
     <original_author id="name">Sam Heard</original_author> 
     <original_author id="email">sam.heard@oceaninformatics.com</original_author> 
     <original_author id="date">18/05/2004</original_author> 
     <original_author id="organisation">Ocean Informatics</original_author> 
     <other_contributors>Knut Bernstein</other_contributors> 
     <other_contributors>Sebastian Garde</other_contributors> 
     <other_contributors>Ian McNicoll</other_contributors> 
     <other_contributors>Omer Hotomaroglu</other_contributors> 
     <other_contributors>Sundaresan Jaganathan</other_contributors> 
     <other_contributors>Heather Leslie</other_contributors> 
     <other_contributors>Shahla Foozonkhah</other_contributors> 
     <other_details id="MD5-CAM-1.0.1">67AD0398E82C094EA41963065CD85084</other_details> 
     <term_bindings terminology="LNC205"> 
       <items code="/data[at0002]/events[at0003]/data[at0001]/items[at0004]"> 
   </ontology> <archetype> 
