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KOBAYASHI Shinji, 2009/08/19 21:52

h1. Ruby reference implementation of openEHR.

h2. The origin

In 2007, there are no implementation in script language of openEHR. I and Dr Akimichi Tatsukawa (Aki) knew each other on our activity in the Ruby and the other script language (I translated 'Beginning Perl for Bioinformatics', O'Reilly 2002 to Japanese, and Aki developed psychology test with Ruby on Rails in his hospital). I was also bored in the obsoleted environment around medical informatics in Japan. The openEHR project stimulated our intellectual concern directly. Thus, we decided to implement the openEHR in some script language. Ruby was the only language that both I and Aki shared. (But I don't know Ruby much, just be enjoying)

h2. The status and road map

Fortunately, no one disturbed us. Moreover the openEHR.org and many people have supported us. Yeah! Tim Cook started the Python project at almost same time and gave us some significant suggestions.

Since we are sometimes too busy to develop, the road map is unstable and incredible for even me.

However, I have a presentation in the 7th "ICICTH":http://www.ineag.gr/ICICTH/ 2009 in Samos. So the next target version is Samos as 0.5.0 that covers almost all the stable specification models.

Next year, established version will be released as Capetown release.

KOBAYASHI Shinji さんがほぼ15年前に更新 · 8件の履歴