





適用 クリア

# プロジェクト トラッカー ステータス 優先度 題名 担当者 更新日
203 Ruby implementation of openEHR Feature request Closed Normal CQuantityItem KOBAYASHI Shinji 2011/12/19 09:37 操作
202 Ruby implementation of openEHR Feature request Closed Normal CDate/CTime/CDateTime/CDuration KOBAYASHI Shinji 2011/12/13 11:19 操作
201 Ruby implementation of openEHR Feature request Closed Normal OpenEHR::AM::OpenEHRProfile::DataTypes::Basic::Quantity::CDvQuantityItem 2011/12/19 09:40 操作
200 Ruby implementation of openEHR Feature request Closed Normal OpenEHR::AM::OpenEHRProfile::DataTypes::Basic::Quantity::CDvOrdinal 2011/12/03 00:45 操作
199 Ruby implementation of openEHR Feature request Closed Low OpenEHR::AM::OpenEHRProfile::DataTypes::Basic::Quantity::CDvQUantity 2011/12/19 23:35 操作
198 Ruby implementation of openEHR Feature request Closed Normal OpenEHR::AM::OpenEHRProfile::DataTypes::Basic::Text::CCodePhrase 2011/12/02 15:24 操作
197 Ruby implementation of openEHR Feature request Closed Normal OpenEHR::AM::OpenEHRProfile::DataTypes::Basic::Transition 2011/12/21 22:55 操作
196 Ruby implementation of openEHR Feature request Closed Normal OpenEHR::AM::OpenEHRProfile::DataTypes::Basic::TerminalState 2011/12/21 22:55 操作
195 Ruby implementation of openEHR Feature request Closed Normal OpenEHR::AM::OpenEHRProfile::DataTypes::Basic::NonTerminalState 2011/12/22 00:19 操作
194 Ruby implementation of openEHR Feature request Closed Normal OpenEHR::AM::OpenEHRProfile::DataTypes::Basic::State 2011/12/21 22:56 操作
193 Ruby implementation of openEHR Feature request Closed Normal OpenEHR::AM::OpenEHRProfile::DataTypes::Basic::StateMachine 2011/12/22 00:19 操作
192 Ruby implementation of openEHR Feature request Closed Normal OpenEHR::AM::OpenEHRProfile::DataTypes::Basic::CDvState 2011/12/22 00:19 操作
191 Ruby implementation of openEHR Feature request Closed Low am.openehr_profile.data_types.basic KOBAYASHI Shinji 2011/12/22 00:19 操作
190 Ruby implementation of openEHR Feature request Closed Normal UnicodeSupport Test 2011/12/18 18:17 操作
189 Ruby implementation of openEHR Feature request Closed Normal UnicodeBOMSupport Test 2011/12/18 17:22 操作
188 Ruby implementation of openEHR Feature request Closed Normal TermBinding Test 2011/12/17 11:38 操作
187 Ruby implementation of openEHR Feature request Closed Normal Structure Test 2011/12/13 23:13 操作
186 Ruby implementation of openEHR Feature request Closed Normal SpecialString Test 2011/12/13 22:44 操作
185 Ruby implementation of openEHR Feature request Closed Normal Path Test 2011/11/23 15:11 操作
184 Ruby implementation of openEHR Feature request Closed Normal MultiLanguage Test 2011/12/12 11:06 操作
183 Ruby implementation of openEHR Feature request Closed Normal MostMinimalADL Test 2011/12/13 17:32 操作
182 Ruby implementation of openEHR Feature request Closed Normal MixedNodeTypes Test 2011/12/13 17:19 操作
181 Ruby implementation of openEHR Feature request Closed Normal MissingPurpose Test 2011/12/13 16:52 操作
180 Ruby implementation of openEHR Feature request Closed Normal MissingLanguage Test 2011/12/13 10:59 操作
179 Ruby implementation of openEHR Feature request Closed Normal EmptyOtherContributors Test 2011/12/13 10:59 操作
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