


第4回 openEHR Asia Summitのおしらせ

Added by KOBAYASHI Shinji almost 4 years ago

第4回 openEHR Asia Summitが4月29日に開催されます。奮ってのご参加をお待ちしております。
Programme (UK 2am - 5am)(日本時間10時から13時まで)
9:00- 9:05 Opening remarks by Xudong Lu, China
9:05- 9:30 “Archetype design in the real world" by Heather Leslie, Australia
9:30-9:55 ¨ICU data standardization with openEHR models" by Shinji Kobayashi, Japan
9:55-10:20 "Stoke data standardization with openEHR models" by Dongsheng Zhao, China
10:20-10:45 "EHRbase + FHIRBridge or how FHIR-openEHR inter-operate with the tools we have developed and how this is used" by Christian Chevalley, Thailand
10:45- 11:10 "Fast and Interactive User Interface generation using openEHR and Webcomponents"" by Sidharth Ramesh
11:10- 11:35 "Computerized Interpretable Guideline Builder based on openEHR archetypes/templates & EL" by Shan Nan, China
11:35 - 12:00 General Discussion

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Meeting ID: 837 6154 7699 / Passcode: 177282
